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On-line Course


How to cook a YA literary prize

Drawing from my experience as Manchester Book Award Coordinator, I designed an on-line course on how to organise and implement a literary prize within schools. From approaching publishing companies, selecting the books, creating the marketing materials, running the reading groups and planning the awards ceremony, the course explained in all detail the practicalities of such a task for both big and small budgets. This course was offered in collaboration with Atrapavientos, a Spanish company dedicated to the promotion of reading and writing programmes and their platform of e-courses. Click on the link below to get more details..but I'm afraid it is all in Spanish!

***Atrapavientos is looking to expand in the UK. Please get in touch if you would like to collaborate with an original writing or reading project aimed at YA***


Again if your Spanish is good enough, click on the link to read my interview for the team of Atrapavientos.

Other Projects: Projects



***Please note SpanglyTales is not longer running***

SpanglyTales was one of the services that I offered during my time as freelance reader development consultant. I really enjoyed delivering the sessions plus creating a whole marketing campaign about it. I personally designed the logo and the exercise booklets with some of the stories for the kids to practise with their parents at home.
Below is a full description of the project.
Click on the image to be taken to its Facebook page and get more details.

SpanglyTales is a new way to learn Spanish aimed at children from 4 onwards. It makes use of well-known fairy tales to help kids remember basic words in Spanish (for example, The Three Little Pigs becomes the familiar setting where they will learn about size & numbers; Little Red Riding Hood is used for family relationships & body parts…). Thanks to the magic of traditional storytelling, children are easily introduced to the Spanish language whilst they cultivate a love for books, reading and writing.

The sessions can be used as reinforcement/variation in more traditional methods of language teaching at a variety of settings (academies, schools, nurseries). They can also be presented as a one-off activity for half-term in libraries, literary festivals, book fairs). They are very informal, very interactive and above all, fun, fun, fun.

Other Projects: Projects
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